Ein Dinas, Ein Hiaith / Our City, Our Language is a joint initiative website between Cardiff Council’s Education WESP Team and its Bilingual Cardiff Team.
The Welsh language has always been part of Cardiff’s rich history. It is an integral aspect of the city’s identity, a distinct part of its culture and provides a markedly different flavour to our diverse and multi-cultural city. The main aim of the new website is to reflect this richness today.
Both teams work collaboratively to implement the ambitious targets outlined in both the Council’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan and its Bilingual Cardiff Strategy. The aim of the joint approach is to ensure consistency of action and ambition, increasing and improving Welsh-medium education and to provide this option for every parent and carer in Cardiff. Both strategies set out the actions we plan to take to make all learners in Cardiff confident bilingual speakers.
The Ein Dinas, Ein Hiaith / Our City, Our Language website will hopefully encourage you to explore all things Welsh in our Capital City.
We hope you find the website useful.
Cofion gorau / Best wishes,
WESP Advisor and Head of Bilingual Cardiff