Cardiff’s 3 Welsh-medium secondary schools offer a wide range of qualifications at sixth form level. The 3 schools work together, as part of the BroPlasTaf partnership. This gives students the opportunity to access courses from all 3 schools and lets them enjoy a varied social life.

Cardiff and Vale College offers Welsh and bilingual education in areas such as:

  • engineering,
  • construction,
  • hair and beauty, and
  • childcare

It also offers a wide range of Welsh medium extracurricular opportunities with local partners across the community.

Post 16 pupils with additional learning needs

Cardiff Council’s Post 16 Service can support learners with:

  • the transition from school to post 16 education and training,
  • multi-agency ALN transition forum,
  • liaising with Travel Training Team to prepare young people for independent travel,
  • post 16 programmes of study,
  • transitioning into supported employment pathways,
  • pathways into work programmes,
  • provisions to meet ALN needs.

Cardiff Council is committed to providing support bilingually. The support is available in Welsh and English.

Find out more about post 16 ALN support.

Opportunities to continue to study through the medium of Welsh

Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol

Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol works with further education colleges, universities, apprentice suppliers, and employers to create training and study opportunities in Welsh.

Their aim is to give everyone the confidence to use their Welsh language when training, studying and working.

The college also offers scholarships.

Logo Cymraeg i Bawb

We are pleased to be part of the South East Wales Welsh Medium Education Promotion Partnership who are responsible for Cymraeg i Bawb – the campaign to promote Welsh-medium education.